The north-south fragmentation of Spanish territory as a consequence of the Muslim invasion, the continuity of the Visigoth substrate and the filtration of the Carolingian element as of the 8th Century constitute the sediments upon which the political reality of the period being considered are built, in which the Hispanic rites make a transition to FrancoRoman. Documentary evidence that the said transition did not take place homogeneously nor synchronically throughout the territory is the multiple configuration, at a forma as well as at a structural level, of the lithurgical-musical sources, the main object of study in this publication.

Structured in two parts, the first includes the nine renowned researchers who, from different disciplines question substantial aspects and provide partial solutions to the different thematic complexities still the object of controversy in the current state of affairs. Part two of the work gives a description of a total of eighty nine manuscripts each representative of one of the notational systems: Visigoth, Catalonian, transition modalities and Aquitainian, pointing out the respective cultural areas they are inscribed to.


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