

Rapsodia del Sur

Dúo Cassadó

Works by
Gaspar Cassadó

Damián Martínez Marco, Marta Moll de Alba

Arts > Music and Opera

The music of Gaspar Cassadó is full of life and passion as was his cello playing. He was a performer and composer who gave his instrument all the colour and expression of the human voice. The Dúo Cassadó reveals in this album some unpublished pieces of work discovered in the musician’s documentary archive in Tokyo. Moreover, it revives other piecese that already belong to the international piano and cello repertoire. This is an amazing opportunity to be able to feel the power of his musical spirit and to enjoy these

Performances by:
Damián Martínez Marco, cello
Marta Moll de Alba,


CD Audio:
Gaspar Cassadó (1897-1966)
01. Achares (04:06)
02. Rapsodia del Sur (09:41)
03-05. Suite para cello solo (15:39)
I. Preludio – Fantasía
II. Sardana
III. Intermezzo e Danza Finale
06. Morgenlied (04:20)
07-09. Sonata nello stile antico spagnolo (14:12)
I. Introduzione e allegro
II. Grave
III. Danza con variazioni
10. Lamento de Boabdil (04:03)

Total time: 51:21